Spiralista - Arcitles


Intervertebral Disc Herniation

What is disc herniation? 

The intervertebral disc (intervertebral fibrocartilage) is an elastic tissue that connects the individual spinal vertebrae. It is made up of an outer fibrous ring and a jelly-like substance in the middle. Thanks to the flexibility of the discs, the spine can bend and hold all the individual vertebrae together at the same time. 

If the fibrous ring bursts, the jelly-like substance is pushed out, resulting in disc herniation. The patient usually recognizes the condition very quickly as the pain occurs in the place where the intervertebral disc is affected, i.e., the chest, lumbar and cervical spine area. This pain is often accompanied by tingling and impaired mobility and sensitivity. In the worst case, there is a risk of permanent nerve damage. 

The most common type of herniation occurs in the cervical and lumbar spine. In the case of lumbar herniation, the area between the 4th and the 5th lumbar vertebra, or between the 5th lumbar vertebra and the sacrum is affected. In addition to pain in the lower back, this problem is associated with an unpleasant pain shooting into legs, which can move to the thighs, calves and feet. 

Causes of disc herniation 

Disc herniation is related to the wear and tear of the spine. For example, if you sit for a long time, the spine is compressed by the long muscles which run along it and block its movement. Although the spine is firm and the body can stay in a rigid position for several hours, for example, when working at a computer, the intervertebral discs and joints are unfortunately compressed. As a result, the intervertebral discs are lowered and lose the fluid needed for nourishment and regeneration. This triggers intervertebral disc degeneration

Intervertebral disc degeneration 

Intervertebral disc degeneration may manifest as an acute problem – disc herniation or a gradual disc loss. When the disc is lowered, the intervertebral joints and vertebral bodies are overloaded, and arthrosis of intervertebral joints (spondylarthrosis) and deformation of vertebral bodies (spondylosis) occur. The spine gradually closes with the formation of bone spurs, and a narrowing of the spinal canal (spinal stenosis) occurs. 

Treatment of disc herniation and exercise 

Some phases of degeneration are fully or partially reversible by regular Spiral Stabilization exercises. Your medical condition can improve so you can live without back pain. However, regeneration must prevail over degeneration in your lifestyle. 

The main principle of the Spiral Stabilization method is tightening the waist with oblique abdominal muscles and stretching the spine upwards. Regular exercise stretches shortened muscles, strengthens weakened muscles and connects them to stabilizing chains. By stretching your spine upwards, you increase the height of your intervertebral discs, which gives them a chance to regenerate. 

Ideally, exercise should become part of your routine even if you don’t suffer from back pain. However, if your disc or intervertebral disc is already herniated, it can be absorbed within 3 – 6 months with the help of Spiral Stabilization exercises. At the beginning of the treatment of disc herniation, it is advisable to work with a physiotherapist, who will relax the tense muscles along the spine and stretch the spine. Then you immediately continue with follow-up exercises. If you do the Spiral Stabilization exercises regularly, you can get rid of pain very quickly. However, it is necessary to build a muscle corset within 3 months, which will stabilize and constantly regenerate the body in order to prevent recurrence. It is also good to add an optimally coordinated and stabilized walk of at least 2 kilometres per day.
